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Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

DECORA DECORA lalalalaaa ~

abis liat blog nya pink cherry jadi pengen bahas DECORA deeh
so, what is DECORA ????
bwat kalian yg gak tau ini nih artikel nya .....

デコラ (dekora) is a Japanese word shortened from the English word "Decoration". And that's what Decora is. Decoration. Wearing as many accessories (and sometimes even toys) as possible. You'll be able to hear a Decora-chan coming a mile away - with all their necklaces and accessories clanging against each other ^__^

Most people find Decora via the FRUiTS magazine - and will call this style 'FRUiTS' until they realise the proper name for it. Everybody loves Decora for different reasons. Because it's different and colourful, or just because it's かわいい (kawaii - cute).

Like any other trend, there are several rules to go by with Decora, but generally there are no rules. It takes months of practice and mix-n-matching to get your Decora look perfect. Decora is more than just a load of hairclips on your head and five or so necklaces.

Many look to Decora for inspiration, as it just screams "LOOK AT ME". Different fashions such as 'Scene' have taken a few ideas from Decora, making it even harder to look truely Decora.

To Me, Decora is all about never growing up. Decora is one of the few fashions where you don't have to make yourself look sexy. It's not about showing off your body, but showing off your clothes and creativity. Also unlike other fashions and lifestyles (not naming any to avoid getting shouted at) it's not about trying to look miserable or angry. It's all based on looking and being happy, cute, and unique.

Of course, if you dress Decora it doesn't make you unique as you've automatically put yourself into a label. But Decora is a fashion unique from every other.

And that's why you should go Decora, or even try it for a day.

credit to : decoraworld.

yapp, itu dia arti decora ... maap ye bwat yg gak bisa bahasa inggris ~ hehe ^^
gw jg malez ngartiin nyaa *malez ato ga bisaaaaaa ??!!!! XDDD*
yaaaaa intinya decora ntu gaya aneh bin ajaib remaja" jepang sono yg bkin menarik perhatian org" buanyak dee ! klo org sini mah nyebut nya Harajuku-style itu lhoo
tp klo disana mah udah dianggap biasa yaa gak kyak di indonesia .....
coba ada yg berani gak dandan ala decora di mol" di indonesia ?!
hayooooo yg berani ngacung !!!
gila aje pasti ntar dikira orang gila lg klo dandan decora kemana" di negri kita tercinta ini (kecuali di j-fest" gitu)
aduuuuh, pengen nyoba euy .... tapi kagak mao pink"an ahhhh !
ihhhh jijay gw mah.... hohohohhohoo ^^v

oio, ini gw kasi piku" gaya decora
enjooooy =D

decora Pictures, Images and Photos

Decora Pictures, Images and Photos

decora Pictures, Images and Photos

Harajuku Decora Pictures, Images and Photos

ladybug decora Pictures, Images and Photos

yuhuuuu, keren" paan !!! XDDD
mao coba ber-eksperimen decora aah ntar paz bunkasai SMA saia ....
asal jangan pink ahh item ajaaa ~
kyak piku mbak bule yg diatas ini nii... hohoho
yeaa, HIDUP ITEM !

1 komen nyaa ni~:

Anonim mengatakan...

nyaaaa kereennnn XDD